Adopting a learner centred approach to EFL teaching within a Ministry or institutional curriculum context

Everything has changed in education since the outbreak of COVID-19. Engaging learners in learning, and especially English language learning, has become even more complex than ever. In light of the experiences that we have all had in the forced move to distance learning, many of us as educators, and indeed learners themselves, are left questioning our roles and attitudes in EFL classroom learning. How do we adapt to these new challenges?

For years, experts in education have been promoting a learner-centred approach to actively engage learners, at any age, in adopting proven effective language learning practices. Yet for many educators in Chile, understanding how to apply this approach in ‘real’ classrooms has been problematic, especially in contexts where MINEDUC and institutional curriculum demands must be met.

In this 3-part workshop series, you will experience strategies that can help you develop this understanding, knowledge, and expertise. You will discover practical steps for incorporating a learner-centred approach in your teaching that has been shown to empower learners into becoming self-directed, engaged, and successful life-long language learners. In this process, you will also be exposed to ways of providing your students with opportunities to develop the important 21st century skills – critical and innovative thinking, strong communicating and team player skills, that are the current goals in education.


Paula Charbonneau-Gowdy:

Paula Charbonneau-Gowdy

  • Associate Professor and researcher in EFL teacher education at the Universidad Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile.
  • Formerly, Senior Advisor in Learning and Technology to the Government of Canadá.
  • Her interests lie in traditional and virtual classroom-based research and the socio-cultural implications of emerging technologies on teaching, learning and learners.