What do I do, not tomorrow – but NOW? Online teaching in a Pandemic

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During this unprecedented global health crises, many teachers at all levels of the education system across Chile are being challenged to teach online for the first time. Feelings of unpreparedness and being overwhelmed are understandable. Simply transposing our regular classroom practices and materials to what we do online is not working. Tensions with students and parents are common. Support is minimal. Are there simple strategies that could help with this situation? Can I make small changes to my EFL teaching practices that will give me more control and confidence online? Are there things I can do to support my students to be more engaged in their learning online?

Join our webinar with host Silvina Zapata, Director of UNAB’s Masters’ of TESOL Program as she explores these questions with Dra Paula Charbonneau-Gowdy of the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences and MATESOL professor – an expert in learning and technology and a seasoned educator. We will examine the tensions that are being felt in many educational contexts during these recent times with the sudden move to online learning and will offer insight and practical strategies to meet these challenges. Open to all EFL teachers across Chile.

We encourage you to share this link with others in your EFL teaching network.



Submit your questions in advance of the webcast by emailing szapata@unab.cl

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Professional Bio – Dr. Paula Charbonneau-Gowdy

Paula Charbonneau-Gowdy is Associate Professor and researcher in EFL teacher education at the Universidad Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile. Formerly, Senior Advisor in Learning and Technology to the Government of Canada, her interests lie in traditional and virtual classroom-based research and the socio-cultural implications of emerging technologies on teaching, learning and learners.